Reproducible measurement of the interrelated body deviations with the patented Styfologie measuring system S400. Without this data, the causes of the deviations, to return to the body ideal posture, can not be identified and controlled.
The skeleton does not move under its own power, for this it needs the muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Body statics
Body statics is the interpretation of statics in relation to the human body.
If force and counterforce are not in equilibrium in the resting state of a human body, bones, joints and vertebral bodies yield to these forces through evasive postures. As a result, this leads to compressions, twists, one-sided joint and vertebral loads. The resulting sum of muscular dysfunctions in the body also impedes and alters organ functions.
The counterforce requires an x-fold greater effort to counteract the greater leverage forces created by evasive postures. The resulting muscle/tendon tension lines interfere with body functions and body stresses. This manifests as misstatics and asymmetrically acting forces; the effects are foreseeable.
Static alteration of the pelvis affects all joints: Joints, joint positions, muscles, debris, wear and tear, nerve and circulation problems are affected as well as the internal organs and their connecting lines.
Muscle dysfunction effects are perceived individually on different levels of the body.
Complaint Development
A variety of complaints are related to this tension-associated various muscle misalignments. Some examples:
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joints)
- Back pain (vertebral bodies, nerves)
- Herniated disc
- Hip complaints
- Knee-
- Foot-
- Shoulder/neck problems
- Tennis and golfer's arm
- Hand, finger, wrist problems (carpal tunnel syndrome etc.)
- Digestive problems
- Migraine
- Breathing
- Restriction of head rotation
- Organ dysfunction can be caused by tension.
- Nerve pain, nerve-feeling disorders
- Reproductive organs are also affected by the tensions
- Muscular problems, tendon and ligament overloads
- Also deposits can be influenced positively.
The positive treatment
We achieve this by balancing the pelvis and the associated muscular dysfunctions by releasing them, thus leading the body back to its ideal posture.
Our treatment does not start with the pain or the discomfort, but solves the cause of the tension.
Many complaints are related to this tension:
No skeleton, no organ function moves without the muscle power. For this reason it is the most important condition to provide a balanced tension to counteract problems.
The tension balance causes the free flow of organs and organ connections. It also relieves the muscles, tendons and ligaments. The effects of tension on the skeleton with its bones, joints and vertebrae lead to a balanced load and thus to the relief of overstrained skeletal parts. About the freedom of movement a positive effect of the improvement will appear. (joint wear and tear, herniated disc, etc.)
How a simple method
can get to the bottom of the causes of many ailments and pains in the back, joints, muscles and organs.
Cause and effect is one of the eternal mysteries of medicine. Too many possibilities are involved - heredity, history, lifestyle, psyche - which is why the same symptoms can lead to different diagnoses and therapies.
But often the cause is quite banal, it just lies somewhere else than it see
Far from the cause:
Digestive problems and permanent back pain.
Pelvic depression and stress cause the faulty statics. These, in turn, change the transmission of forces via the evasive postures. These lead to differently acting bone-muscle levers and cause malfunctions and incorrect stresses of the whole body.
Pelvic Tension
The tensions manifest to the point of affecting not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the organs and their functions.
- Disturbances of nerve tracts and blood vessels
- Digestive problems due to insufficient blood supply to the intestines
- back pain when sitting, standing, walking and lying down
- Lack of sleep and mental imbalance
Do these complaints pay attention to the diagnosis of pelvic depression? If not paid attention to, this can lead to several years of therapy for each of the symptoms.
After straightening the body statics and targeted relaxation massages, the symptoms subside one by one. Usually a pleasant change is noticed already after the first treatment.
In order for the patient to become and remain symptom-free, this state is maintained with light relaxation exercises.
Small causes. Big effects:
Small causes. Big effects:
How a pelvis that is only 2 cm crooked changes the body's statics.
Pelvic obliquity
2cm pelvic obliquity causes in the initial stage an incorrect load of 20 percent of the body weight on the "apparently shorter leg".
With a balanced pelvis and a body weight of 100 kg, the leg/foot load would be 50 kg to 50 kg.
If the pelvis is 2cm deep and the body weight is 100Kg, there is a negative leg/foot load change of 40 percent. Consequently, the transfer forces change to 40Kg to 60Kg, with additional misload effects on the skeleton with the bones, joints and vertebral bodies.
This change in load occurs through muscle tension. Thereby muscles, tendons and ligaments are overstrained. Result: pain, discomfort, strains, etc..
These muscle mis-tensions can cause further dysfunction in organ and nerve connections, which are triggered by completely different parts of the body via the leverage effects of the skeleton.
An anterior upper body and or head posture causes a forefoot overload. These wrong forces are counteracted by the claws of the toes, like a transmission. If the feet are then treated for complaints, this is the symptom effect of the incorrect posture and the cause remains unconsidered.
A lateral hip displacement changes the joints of the hip, the knee, the feet, those of the vertebral bodies and will lead to premature wear and tear complaints due to the overload.
The body often has to counteract the consequences of the pelvic obliquity and the resulting incorrect loads by turning the leg or foot position outwards.
With further incorrect loading and incorrect functional consequences.
Hypothesis of "leg length differences".
Are the different avoidance and compensation postures taken into account in the measurements?
Are the 9 dodge variations that change the pelvic depression and thus the leg position to the pelvis taken into account?
Or are these erroneously reported as differences in length?
If the force and the counter-force are no longer in equilibrium in the resting state, the elastic skeleton evades these differently acting forces via bones, joints and vertebral bodies.
The resulting changes in position of the upper body, pelvis and leg positions are thus erroneously measured and imaged as differences in length.
These false tensions lead to movement restrictions, which are partly assigned to the skeleton, although it is the muscles and their different tensions that cause the evasive postures and disturbances.
Accordingly, bone, joint and vertebral displacements occur, which lead to joint, vertebral body and intervertebral disc overloads via smaller transfer surfaces and therefore to premature wear phenomena. (e.g. hip, knee, vertebrae, shoulder and so on).

The Styfologie® S400 Body Statics Measurement System
The human being in balance
The Styfologie® measuring system objectively, accurately and repeatably measures deviations from symmetrical body statics.
Styfologie® is the precise and repeatable measurement of body statics for the detection of incorrect posture. It serves as a basis for diagnosis and therapy of complaints of the back, joints, muscles and organs.
The measuring apparatus measures the static of the body in its x,y and z axes: pelvis, spine, shoulders, leg/foot. All measurements are made in relation to the static centerline of the body.
- The measuring apparatus records the statics of the whole body in all 3 dimensions.
- The measurements are precise to the millimeter.
- The measurements can be reproduced and compared with each other.
- The measurements are absolutely stress-free for patients, doctors and therapists.
From Erkenntins to Science
Precise and repeatable measurements provide scientifically relevant data to monitor the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions
With the goal of an efficient, affordable healthcare system, conventional medicine is increasingly relying on "evidence-based medicine". It demands proof of the effectiveness of the therapy initiated on the basis of an exact diagnosis.
This requires relevant data that prove the beginning and course of treatment through repeatable and comparable measurements. Such a basis also provides insights into the causes by showing correlations. In this way, the typical causal chains, such as
tension > poor posture > misalignment > wear and tear
circulatory disturbance > undersupply > tissue degradation >
discomfort, where symptom and cause are often far apart - which then often leads to the treatment of symptoms without getting to the bottom of the causes.

The measurement takes place standing
i.e. under muscle tension. This is how the body posture from everyday life is measured. The symmetry of the body statics is recorded in four planes. Starting from the center line, the
the X, Y and Z axes are measured.
The patient stands on a double scale. It shows the loads on the left and right legs separately.
The Styfologie® treatment and massage technique:
1. release of the tensions.
The therapy consists in releasing the tensions in a targeted way and returning the body to its ideal posture.
The measurements of the bad postures give us information about the course of the tension lines. Step by step the tensions are released by massage. After each correction, we measure whether the misalignment has been corrected and whether any dependent misalignments have also been corrected or need to be resolved separately.
- Pelvis
- Shoulder
- Legs
Straightening is done through the clothing. This is supplemented by massages for individual muscle areas and supportive solution exercises at home.
The therapies are not always spontaneous cures. What many people expect from a surgical procedure - pain blown away, functions fully restored - requires a bit more patience. And the cooperation of the patient.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
The Styfologie® treatment and massage technique
2.massage of the loosened muscle parts
Once the pelvic depression is solved and corrected, it remains stable and balanced in the long term. We control this by regular re-measurement.
(We were able to prove this even after 10 years).
3. light exercises against tension
After a successful therapy, the neuralgic muscle areas of the patient are released and balanced.
Nevertheless, tensions can build up again. For example, due to excessive and one-sided stress, incorrect posture in the office, while doing housework or gardening, during sports or leisure time. Psychological stress such as anxiety, excessive demands or frustration can also lead to tension. Not everything is avoidable, and in many cases the body regenerates itself, supported by exercise, compensatory sports or doing nothing, depending on the physical and mental constitution.
To prevent this, we have developed easy exercises for home use. Starting from the patient, whose problem areas have been identified, certain pressure points of the musculature are stimulated. This is done with three rubber balls.